Monthly Archives: February 2015

Shout out to Death By Robot and some other stuff from last night

Hey, did I tell you I got new jeans? I went out feeling tired but awesome last night and really in a mood to see some new bands. I saw that list of the “15 great Calgary bands to check

Posted in Pop Culture, Songwriting, Uncategorized

To Those Who Have A Hard Time Writing Lyrics

I hear comments a lot about people having difficulty writing lyrics and I always have a piece of advice on hand so I thought I’d compile a list, mostly it’s advice I’ve heard or read so I’ll give credit. The

Posted in Songwriting, Uncategorized

To People Complaining About Things You Didn’t Learn In School

I’m hearing a lot of complaints lately from 20-somethings that real life skills weren’t taught in school but they still remember something from trig or bio. And I get it, we all hit a point when we realized we were

Posted in Pop Culture, Pragmatism, Uncategorized

Breaking Backwards

Episode 6 The Buyout I have no idea why Walt and the crew are tearing apart a dirt bike but I’ll bet it involves murder. So they, actually Todd, killed an innocent witness. Whoa, Skyler had an affair? I don’t

Posted in Pop Culture, Uncategorized


To start at the beginning, I love going to bookstores and I always go to the music section. Biographies, music theory, and dozens of books on the history of punk, I love’em all. One day I noticed Bandalism which was

Posted in Pop Culture, Songwriting, Uncategorized