Monthly Archives: December 2016

Nerd culture

And what I don’t like about it. I’m mentally preparing myself for all the shit I’m going to take for this so try to remember these are thoughts not judgements, I’m not casting myself as objectively superior to nerds anymore

Posted in Pop Culture

Sobriety day zero again

This story ends where it starts. I woke up on Red’s couch, not alone, not dressed, had some coffee, then some rum, one roommate likes me more (which I enjoyed), the other a lot less (which I enjoyed more), and

Posted in sobriety

Sobriety day 39

Had dinner with Jay Tuesday night. We talked about my instant decay of positive experiences so I noticed on the train ride home when I started to decompress but it hasn’t gone away completely, surprisingly. There was a moment at

Posted in sobriety

Sobriety Day 36

Today was awful. And it was made much more awful by the fact that it didn’t start awful. I woke up and I was happy, I took the train and I was happy, I was so happy it felt real,

Posted in sobriety

Sobriety day 33 – Day after the Reckless Heroes Show

Near the end of the night, when the endorphins were faded, I thought about how I’d played music I don’t care about for a band I’m not actually in, how there were people there for whom the most generous term

Posted in sobriety, Uncategorized

Sobriety Day 30

Final Reckless Heroes practice before the show. I was super late because a jackass decided to hang off the mirror of a C-Train, fall, and get pinned. When I got there though we tore into the set, it’s a half

Posted in Pragmatism, sobriety

Sobriety day 21

Yesterday was a tough day. I went out for my usual morning walk and felt a bit down, normal for my pre-coffee self.  I had an impulsive feeling that I want to throw my life away. Which made me want

Posted in sobriety, Uncategorized

Sobriety day 20

Another meaningless milestone number but still feels a bit surprising. Coffee with Josanna last night was great. She has her own history and insight with depression so we get to skip a lot of explaining. We hit on the idea

Posted in sobriety

Sobriety Day 18

Jesus, is that right? where do the days go? I’m going for coffee with Mandi today. Yesterday I was worried I was over her, that it would be mundane and underwhelming. Boring even. But also yesterday I bought clothes because

Posted in sobriety

Sobriety Day 16

I don’t know if it’s really the sobriety or not but I got extremely depressed yesterday. I did just pass the 2 week mark and supposedly that’s where depression is likely, along with symptoms I don’t have like sleep disruptions

Posted in Depression & Suicide